Status: Closed
Resolution: Later
Adobe Flex SDK 3.2 (Release)
Affected OS(s): Windows
Affected OS(s): Windows XP
Browser: Firefox 3.x
Language Found: Japanese
Steps to reproduce:
1. run the attached testcase.mxml
2. copy" Ctrl + C " the text " This is a test for Flex 3. Please copy this line and paste it in front of this line. " In text area.
3. paste it in front of the sentence.
4. see the html area. The original sentence and pasted sentence tag will be divided.
Actual Results:
<A HREF="" TARGET=""><B> This is a test for Flex 3. Please copy this line and paste it in front of this line. </B></A><FONT KERNING="0"><A HREF="" TARGET=""><B> This is a test for Flex 3. Please copy this line and paste it in front of this line. </B></A>
Expected Results:
<A HREF="" TARGET=""><B> This is a test for Flex 3. Please copy this line and paste it in front of this line. This is a test for Flex 3. Please copy this line and paste it in front of this line. </B></A>
Workaround (if any):