Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Adobe Flex SDK 3.2 (Release)
Affected OS(s): Mac
Affected OS(s): Mac OS 10.5
Language Found: English
Steps to reproduce:
1. Add a scrollRect or mask to any dislpay object that contains a TextField or TextLine using the Adobe AIR runtime on MacOS (have not checked Windows behavior). This bug does not affect Flash Player 10
2. For best results set a white background with black text.
See attached AirSubPixelBug.mxml to see text with and without a scrollRect applied. The attached image shows the differences in pixels with and without a scrollRect using a pixel magnification tool like Pixie or xScope on MacOS or the mangifier tool on windows. The top line is without a scrollRect and correct sub-pixel rendering, the bottom is with a scrollRect and incorrect pixel rendering.
Actual Results:
Fonts should be rendered pixel-for-pixel as they were without the mask or scrollRect. Instead the color values have been removed and replace with a grey-scale, which breaks sub-pixel rendering and distorts font appearance.
Expected Results:
Fonts should render pixel-for-pixel the same with or without a scrollRect or clipping mask.
Workaround (if any):
None if you need to use scrollRect or mask to clip content.