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  1. Apache Flex
  2. FLEX-16271

FxContainer doesn't honor clipContent property



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Adobe Flex SDK Previous
    • Adobe Flex SDK Previous
    • None
    • Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
      Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
      Browser: Firefox 2.x
      Language Found: English


      In the attached example both FxContainers appear to clip their
      FxButton child, despite the fact that the second one explicitly sets

      Pressing the buttons prints the vital signs of each FxContainer, its
      skin child, and the skin's contentGroup child. The report for the
      second container shows that although the contentGroup's clipContent
      property is set as expected, automatic clipping is actually triggered
      by the difference in sizes between the skin and the contentGroup:

      actual size 100 x 100
      skin actual size 100 x 100
      skin content size 200 x 100
      skin clipContent true
      skin scrollRect (x=0, y=0, w=100, h=100)
      contentGroup actual size 200 x 100
      contentGroup content size 200 x 21
      contentGroup clipContent false
      contentGroup scrollRect null

      The skin's content width is greater than its actual width, so the skin
      sets its scrollRect which clips to the skin's actual size.

      What we'd expected is that the contenGroup's actual size would always
      exactly match the skin, which would exactly match the FxContainer.
      The reason this isn't happening is that the contentGroup's size is
      implicitly specified in FxContainerSkin like this:

      <Group id="contentGroup" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">

      The skin's BasicLayout honors the contentGroup's minimum size and in
      our example, the minimum width is defined by the FxButton, for which
      we've specified an explicit width. So the skin's layout sets the
      contentGroup's actual width to 200.

      If the FxContainer's skin and contentGroup descendants are intended to
      be "invisible" vis the layout of the FxContainers MXML DOM children
      (the FxButtons in our example), then the the skin and contentGroup's
      actual sizes must always exactly match the FxContainer's. This is
      can be accomplished by providing an explicit minimuum size for the
      FxContainer skin's contentGroup:

      <Group id="contentGroup" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">




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