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  1. Apache Flex
  2. FLEX-16202

Critical auto-completion failure when using Flash 10 targetted library projects



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Adobe Flex SDK Previous
    • Compiler API
    • None
    • Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
      Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
      Browser: Other (specify version)
      Language Found: English


      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create a new Flex Library project, using the latest Adobe Flex SDK 3 Nightly Build. Tune this project as described on the Adobe Labs wiki (http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Targeting+Flash+Player+10+Beta).

      2. Within this library project, create two classes : 'ClassWithVector', with a variable (member or function variable) of the new Vector type (for example: private static var _myVector : Vector.<String>; is enough), and 'ClassWithoutVector', an empty class.

      3. Create a new ActionScript project, using the same latest Nightly Build SDK. Tune it according to the wiki page, and add the previously created library project to its classpath.

      4. In the main class of this project, type the first letters of your classes created within the library project (like ''ClassW''). Press Ctrl+Space. The auto completion should suggest you both "ClassWithVector" and "ClassWithoutVector". But it don't, only "ClassWithoutVector" is suggested.

      Actual Results:

      Classes from within a library that contain any vector, at any place, are totally ignored by the auto-completion system. Writing the name manually works, but any automatized operation within the source code (like the automatic organizing of the imports) removes all references to classes containing Vectors within the imports.

      This is probably a SWC-parser bug, or something like that. This is incredibly frustrating with a big project with many libraries and tons of classes.

      Expected Results:

      Classes containing Vector should be included in the auto-completion system like any other classes.

      Workaround (if any):

      Not using the auto-completion system. This workaround is unacceptable, since it is very time-consuming to maintains imports manually (especially with "Organize imports" breaking them).


      A workspace to be used with Flex Builder 3, containing all the projects and classes described above, for testing purpose. This issue was produced using Eclipse 3.4 and Flex Builder as a plugin, and also using the standalone Flex Builder.




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