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  1. Apache Flex
  2. FLEX-14399

getObjectsUnderPoint() returns incorrect values when control in a TitleWindow displayed by PopUpManager



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Adobe Flex SDK 2.0 (Release)
    • None
    • None
    • Affected OS(s): Windows
      Affected OS(s): Windows XP
      Browser: Firefox 2.x
      Language Found: English


      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create a class called TestListPopup that extends TitleWindow and contains a List and has the following createChildren() method:
      protected override function createChildren():void{
      _list.dataProvider=new ArrayCollection(["A", "B", "C"]);
      2. Create an MXML Application whose creationComplete handler calls PopUpManager.addPopUp(new TestListPopup(), this).
      3. Run the application. Attempt to use drag-and-drop functionality to rearrange the items in the list.

      Actual Results:
      The issue I am experiencing occurs for drag-and-drop operations on Lists contained within TitleWindows that are launched by calling PopUpManager.addPopUp(). For normal operations (item selection, item roll-over, context menus via right-click, etc.), the List behaves properly; however, when dragging over the list (to do item rearrangement), the window treats the drop location incorrectly. The window behaves as though the drop location was a point above and to the left of the mouse location. This means that the user must move the mouse down and to the right a certain distance before the red-X drop indicator disappears (indicating that the framework believes that it is OK to drop at this location), and the red-X drop indicator continues to be gone as the mouse moves off of the List box to the bottom and/or the right (indicating that the framework believes that the mouse is still over the List, even though that is no longer the case). The distance by which the framework seems to be incorrect about the mouse location in the X and Y directions seems to be exactly equal to the width of the left border and the height of the top border of the TitleWindow, which is also the location of the TitleWindow's contentPane within the TitleWindow's coordinate system. By stepping in with a debugger, I am able to determine that the problems seem to stem from incorrect return values from the call to Component.getObjectsUnderPoint(), which is ultimately called from DragProxy.mouseMoveHandler(), which makes me believe that this is the same problem that was described (and rejected as "Not a bug") in SDK-8132.

      Expected Results:
      User should be able to drag an item from the List and drop it anywhere on the List, and should not be able to drop it anywhere outside of the list.

      Workaround (if any):




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