Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Adobe Flex SDK 3.0 (Release)
Affected OS(s): Windows
Affected OS(s): Windows XP
Browser: Firefox 2.x
Language Found: English
Bug with source assets here:
Pay close attention to bottom of the right scroller as you scroll through the VBox
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Illustrator CS3. Create a new MovieClip symbol with 9 scale slicing. Use 2 or more primitive shapes in the symbol. In my case I used 2 rectangles.
2. Export as SWF from Illustrator CS3
3. Create a VBox in Flex 3, fill it with enough content so that it will scroll - apply a style to the VBox using your 9 Slice Scaled Movieclip Symbol as the backgroundImage
Actual Results:
Rendering/redrawing issue where the top layered rectangle in the backgroundImage is eaten away as you scroll revealing the graphics underneath
Also appears with TitleWindow popups (without scrolling) as you drag them over different areas with the Illustrator CS3 backgroundImage
Expected Results:
No redraw issues
Workaround (if any):
Don't use Illustrator CS3, use Flash CS3 to export asset libraries, this seems to work fine