New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Implemented
As a user with 'NEW' permission
I want to create datatables at products level
in order to create and save the data specific to the products
User Cases/Background and details:
Currently Datatables can be created at Client, Groups, Centers, Office level. This needs to be extended to product level (loan, savings, Recurring Deposit [RD], Fix/Term Deposit [FD] and Shares) so that the organizations can capture the information specific to the products.
Acceptance Criteria
- Should be able to create datatables at product level (loans, savings, RD, FD, Shares)
- Should be able to capture additional information at each products using the datatable created
- Functionality and validations are same as existing which is working at client, group and office level.
- Only user with the ‘NEW’ permission can create entries.
Issue Links
- is a child of
FINERACT-1874 Release Apache Fineract 1.9.0
- In Progress
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