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  1. Felix
  2. FELIX-619

Shell.TUI causes "new java.io.ServerSocket()" to hang



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • framework-1.0.4
    • shell.tui-1.4.0
    • Shell TUI
    • None
    • Windows; Best to run in a sandbox, fork java if necessary (for full effect)... By sandbox, I mean a directory structure / project area that's sterile, shall we say


      To save me from typing it in again, here's the dev mailing list excerpt:
      I uncovered an issue in which the Shell.TUI will cause "new java.io.ServerSocket()" to hang;

      Through process of elimination / gutting, pretty much to the point of a small bundle with an activate() method (I'm using SCR) and a "new ServerSocket(1234, 1)", with a couple log events pre and post, I determined that the construction of the ServerSocket will not return (nor timeout, IIRC), if the Shell.TUI bundle is started first;

      In other forms of the telnet shell, which do not use SCR/DeclarativeServices, I remember I had to put install and start those bundles prior to the Shell.TUI... However, because I changed the ordering a la SCR (my bundle is installed and started, but SCR does not start my "service" and activation thereof until my dependencies are satisfied, in this case to shell service and log service), my bundle activation falls behind the shell.TUI activation...

      So, the Shell.TUI must be causing some sort of conflict with ServerSocket ... I did not dig deeper than that... Not sure if someone would ask me to file a bug or not... I'm just putting this out there... maybe others have come across this, but I don't know...

      I solved my immediate problem by simple removing Shell.TUI from the auto.start list;

      felix.auto.start.1= \
      file:bundle/org.craig.shell.play01.jar \
      file:bundle/org.osgi.compendium-1.0.1.jar \
      file:bundle/org.apache.felix.shell-1.0.1.jar \
      file:bundle/org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.0.1.jar \
      file:bundle/org.apache.felix.bundlerepository-1.0.3.jar \
      file:bundle/org.apache.felix.scr-1.0.0.jar \
      file:bundle/pax-logging-api-1.0.0.jar \
      file:bundle/pax-logging-service-1.0.0.jar \

      package org.craig.shell;

      import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
      import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;
      import org.apache.felix.shell.ShellService;
      import java.io.*;

      public class Play01
      protected ShellService shell = null;
      protected LogService log = null;

      protected void activate(ComponentContext context) throws Exception

      { ServerSocket myListener = new ServerSocket(1234, 1); // Note from Craig - this will hang if TUI is started (presumably first) }

      protected void deactivate(ComponentContext context) throws Exception

      protected void setLog(LogService log)

      { this.log = log; }

      protected void unsetLog(LogService log)

      { this.log = null; }

      protected void setShell(ShellService shell)

      { this.shell = shell; }

      protected void unsetShell(ShellService shell)

      { this.shell = null; }

      This is the dot.bnd file, which uses the BND tool (as an ANT task), and creates the manifest and OSGI-INF metadata thereof:

      Bundle-SymbolicName: org.craig.shell.play01
      Bundle-Name: org.craig.shell.play01 - shell play01
      Bundle-Description: shell play01
      Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
      Export-Package: org.craig.shell
      Import-Package: org.osgi.framework,org.osgi.service.component,org.apache.felix.shell,org.osgi.service.log
      Service-Component=org.craig.shell.Play01; \
      log=org.osgi.service.log.LogService; \




            rickhall Richard S. Hall
            lcphillips Craig Phillips
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

