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  1. Felix
  2. FELIX-3751

junit4osgi swingrunner improvement with a more flexible layout



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Trivial
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • iPOJO-1.6.0, iPOJO-1.8.0
    • None
    • iPOJO
    • The problem affects either linux or windows oses.


      The junit4osgi SwingRunner JFrame is currently created with a fixed layout. So if you try to enlarge the JFrame the content of the panel remains "fixed" with its own width and height.
      This improvement allow the user to have a more comfortable user experience with a flexible layout manager. If the user tries to resize the new jframe the content of the jframe will be resized.

      It was not so simple to create it because the source files in the trunk repository were not "right". It seems they were missing the constructor with InstanceManager parameter. Also there are some methods that were missing: the OSGIJUnitRunner field was not setted in any place. The result of my work was done decompiling the .class of SwingRunner. The result of its decompiling was quite different from the source file because in the decompiled one I got the missing methods. It seems that the .class was generated from a different source file than the one present in the repository.

      I saw that the jframe was designed with netbeans: is it possible that the ide "removed" some of the missing methods ?




            clement.escoffier Clement Escoffier
            egesuato Emanuele Gesuato
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

