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  1. Felix
  2. FELIX-2096

Check MetaTypeProvider.getObjectClassDefinition(String, String) specification compliance




      I have been running the Apache Felix Metatype Service implementation through the OSGi CT and found an issue with the MetaTypeProvider.getObjectClassDefinition(String id, String locale) method as used in the testMetaTypeProvider test.

      The method is defined in Section in the R4.2 Compendium specification to:

      • either return an ObjectClassDefinition for the requested id and locale
      • or throw an IllegalArgumentException if either id or the locale is invalid

      THe CT test calls the getObjectClassDefinition three times:

      (1) getObjectClassDefinition("", "du");
      > Expects null, but the id here is definitely invalid (empty string) and not defined, thus an exception might be more appropriate
      > Our implementation returns null (which is presumably wrong) but passes the test

      (2) getObjectClassDefinition("com.acme.23456789", "abc");
      > Expects an exception due to the locale "abc" not provided as a file
      > Our implementation returns null because the id "com.acme.23456789" is not declared

      Here an exception is probably really expected because the id is not declared. It may be expected due to the missing locale.

      (3) getObjectClassDefinition("com.acme.foo", "du")

      This test should pass as expected

      A question regarding invalidity is in place:

      • What does "invalid" mean for the id ? Empty string ? Undefined/Undeclared ObjectClassDefinition ?
      • What does "invalid" mean for the locale ? This is tricky, since locales form an implicit inheritance hierarchy and even though
        translations for an exact locale may not be provided, such translations may be provided by the parent. And the default
        definitions should probably be the root of this tree. E.g. given the locale is de_CH and translations exist for de, it
        is IMHO expected to get a translation for de instead of de_CH.

      NB: Returning null as our implementation does is probably definitely wrong according to the spec, since null is not defined to be a valid result.




            fmeschbe Felix Meschberger
            fmeschbe Felix Meschberger
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            1 Start watching this issue

