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  2. FC-11

MDB Error during deletion

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    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 1.0.0-RC40
    • None
    • ubuntu32


      During deletion to fortress permission object:


      This error in debug level slapd.logs, excerpt below, full log attached:

      51a66b8d => index_entry_del( 911, "ftObjNm=TOB4_8,ou=Permissions,ou=RBAC,dc=jts,dc=us" )

      51a66b8d mdb_idl_delete_keys: 38f 00000000
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_delete_keys: 38f 0096defd
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_delete_keys: 38f 3d1dea68
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_delete_keys: 38f 76324484
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_delete_keys: 38f 29c95ac5
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_delete_keys: 38f 0e1b3d46
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_delete_keys: 38f 1ccd25c5
      51a66b8d <= index_entry_del( 911, "ftObjNm=TOB4_8,ou=Permissions,ou=RBAC,dc=jts,dc=us" ) success
      51a66b8d <=- mdb_delete: id2entry failed: MDB_PAGE_FULL: Internal error - page has no more space (-30786)
      51a66b8d send_ldap_result: conn=1000 op=3820 p=3
      51a66b8d send_ldap_result: err=80 matched="" text="entry delete failed"
      51a66b8d slap_queue_csn: queing 0x3bb8e308 20130529205645.303808Z#000000#000#000000
      51a66b8d ==> mdb_add: reqStart=20130529205645.000000Z,cn=log
      51a66b8d oc_check_required entry (reqStart=20130529205645.000000Z,cn=log), objectClass "auditDelete"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "objectClass"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "structuralObjectClass"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "reqStart"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "reqEnd"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "reqType"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "reqSession"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "reqAuthzID"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "reqDN"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "reqMessage"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "reqResult"
      51a66b8d oc_check_allowed type "reqEntryUUID"
      51a66b8d mdb_dn2entry("reqStart=20130529205645Z,cn=log")
      51a66b8d => mdb_dn2id("reqStart=20130529205645Z,cn=log")
      51a66b8d <= mdb_dn2id: get failed: MDB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found (-30798)
      51a66b8d => mdb_entry_decode:
      51a66b8d <= mdb_entry_decode
      51a66b8d => access_allowed: add access to "cn=log" "children" requested
      51a66b8d <= root access granted
      51a66b8d => access_allowed: add access granted by manage(=mwrscxd)
      51a66b8d => access_allowed: add access to "reqStart=20130529205645.000000Z,cn=log" "entry" requested
      51a66b8d <= root access granted
      51a66b8d => access_allowed: add access granted by manage(=mwrscxd)
      51a66b8d => mdb_dn2id_add 0x4eba: "reqStart=20130529205645Z,cn=log"
      51a66b8d <= mdb_dn2id_add 0x4eba: 0
      51a66b8d => index_entry_add( 20154, "reqStart=20130529205645.000000Z,cn=log" )
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_insert_keys: 4eba b5c866dc
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_insert_keys: 4eba
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_insert_keys: 4eba 86ee7ec7
      51a66b8d mdb_idl_insert_keys: 4eba 7990d2ba
      51a66b8d <= index_entry_add( 20154, "reqStart=20130529205645.000000Z,cn=log" ) success
      51a66b8d => mdb_entry_encode(0x00004eba): reqStart=20130529205645.000000Z,cn=log
      51a66b8d <= mdb_entry_encode(0x00004eba): reqStart=20130529205645.000000Z,cn=log
      51a66b8d mdb_add: added id=00004eba dn="reqStart=20130529205645.000000Z,cn=log"
      51a66b8d send_ldap_result: conn=1000 op=3820 p=3
      51a66b8d send_ldap_result: err=0 matched="" text=""
      51a66b8d slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing 0x89e6d50 20130529205645.303808Z#000000#000#000000
      51a66b8d send_ldap_response: msgid=3821 tag=107 err=80
      ber_flush2: 34 bytes to sd 14
      0000: 30 20 02 02 0e ed 6b 1a 0a 01 50 04 00 04 13 65 0 ....k...P....e
      0010: 6e 74 72 79 20 64 65 6c 65 74 65 20 66 61 69 6c ntry delete fail
      0020: 65 64 ed
      ldap_write: want=34, written=34
      0000: 30 20 02 02 0e ed 6b 1a 0a 01 50 04 00 04 13 65 0 ....k...P....e
      0010: 6e 74 72 79 20 64 65 6c 65 74 65 20 66 61 69 6c ntry delete fail
      0020: 65 64 ed
      51a66b8d conn=1000 op=3820 RESULT tag=107 err=80 text=entry delete failed
      51a66b8d slap_graduate_commit_csn: removing 0x8a07120 20130529205645.303808Z#000000#000#000000
      51a66c46 daemon: epoll: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=zero



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