In workflow if one of the action fails then the intance status is KILLED instead of FAILED.
2016-02-02T11:34Z ProcessMultipleClustersTest-corp-3a97a54e - KILLED 2016-02-02T11:57Z 2016-02-02T11:57Z - actions: hdfscommands OK - aggregator FAILED/KILLED
Such instances retry after some time (given retry is enabled)
This leads to inconsistencies like :
1. Manual kill will assume this instance to be killed and would not kill it. Although retry will kick off in future and the instance will run while user expects the instance to be killed forever.
2. Manual suspend will assume this instance to be killed and would not suspend it (KILLED instance cannot be suspended). Although retry will kick off in future and the instance will run while user expects the instance to be suspended until someone resumes it.