While performing touch operation on scheduled entity, response received is like this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><result> <status>SUCCEEDED</status> <message>ua1/(process) TouchAPIPrismAndServerTest--agregator-coord16-7cf0e6f0/Effective Time: 2015-02-24T07:19Z. Old bundle id: 0000050-150224055922891-oozie-oozi-C. New bundle id: 0000052-150224055922891-oozie-oozi-B </message> <requestId>ua1/1142500034@qtp-126488680-4 - fa30aec7-cba2-4fc4-9f36-793320088914 </requestId> </result>
Instead of giving old bundle id it is giving old coordinator id. Changing it to bundle id will help user to get more visibility.