This function allows you to drill down into the schema of maps. The REST API and JDBC interfaces will only return `MAP`, `LIST` for the MAP, however, it is not possible to get
the schema of the inner map. The function `getMapSchema(<MAP>)` will return a `MAP` of the fields and datatypes.
- Example Usage
Using the data below, the query below will return the schema as shown below.
apache drill> SELECT getMapSchema(record) AS schema FROM dfs.test.`schema_test.json`;
schema |
{"int_field":"BIGINT","double_field":"FLOAT8","string_field":"VARCHAR","int_list":"REPEATED_BIGINT","double_list":"REPEATED_FLOAT8","map":"MAP"} |
1 row selected (0.298 seconds)
"record" : {
"int_field": 1,
"double_field": 2.0,
"string_field": "My string",
"int_list": [1,2,3],
"double_list": [1.0,2.0,3.0],
"single_field": 10
The function returns an empty map if the row is `null`.