Status: Resolved
Resolution: Duplicate
Summary: Apache Drill depends on modified copies of open software that is hosted on non-standard (company owned) maven repositories. In addition due to poor security configuration maven simply refuses to download the artifacts from one of those.
That is why I tagged this a blocker.
I have an open source project where I include a Drill UDF so other can use this in Drill. ( ).
Today I tried to update the drill dependency from 1.16 to 1.17
Resulting in
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project yauaa-drill: Could not resolve dependencies for project nl.basjes.parse.useragent:yauaa-drill:jar:5.15-SNAPSHOT: The following artifacts could not be resolved: com.github.vvysotskyi.drill-calcite:calcite-core:jar:1.20.0-drill-r2, org.kohsuke:libpam4j:jar:1.8-rev2: Failure to find com.github.vvysotskyi.drill-calcite:calcite-core:jar:1.20.0-drill-r2 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of Sonatype snapshots has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
Turns out that com.github.vvysotskyi.drill-calcite:calcite-core:jar:1.20.0-drill-r2 is (most likely) based here
Apparently this is a patched version of Calcite that is hosted under a personal account but IS an important dependency of a released version of Drill. (Side question: Why not simply improve calcite with these changes?)
It took some digging and I found this one on this non standard maven repository operated by a commercial company:
The second dependency it failed over was even worse.
This project IS present in maven central but NOT this specific version.
The only place I have found this is here
I did not encounter the sourcecode "github" for this modified version yet.
So effectively I was forced to include two "company" repos in my project to get it to build ... so you would think.
With these two in my pom.xml I got a new error which was much more disturbing...
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project yauaa-drill: Could not resolve dependencies for project nl.basjes.parse.useragent:yauaa-drill:jar:5.15-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at org.apache.drill.exec:drill-java-exec:jar:1.17.0 -> org.kohsuke:libpam4j:jar:1.8-rev2: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.kohsuke:libpam4j:jar:1.8-rev2: Could not transfer artifact org.kohsuke:libpam4j:pom:1.8-rev2 from/to MapR ( PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target -> [Help 1]
This error essentially means: Maven does not trust the certificate path of the provided HTTPS so it refused to download the artifact.
Why? This MapR site uses a wildcard certificate issues by GoDaddy.
Apparently this is a "well known" problem with these GoDaddy certificates:
Issue Links
- duplicates
DRILL-7270 Fix non-https dependency urls and add checksum checks
- Resolved