Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
We need documentation to list the steps with screen shots about executing SQL queries from Postman (chrome extension) on Drill.
Here are the steps to execute SQL queries from Postman
1. Install Postman extension for Chrome browser. To install Postman Then click on ADD TO CHROME button 2. On the top right of your Chrome browser window, click on the postman icon. In your Postman: 3. set the type to “POST” and enter the request URL as “http://<your drillbit ip>:8047/query.json” 4. In the Header tab, add an entry for “Content-Type” as key and “application/json” as value. Add another entry for “User-Name” as key and “mapr” as value 5. In the Body tab, select “raw” and a new dropdown list should appear next to “raw" and on the dropdown select “JSON” 6. And in the Body box, enter your request body in JSON format. The file test.csv is expected to reside under /tmp folder (i.e. in dfs.tmp schema) { “queryType”: “SQL”, “query”: “select * from `dfs.tmp`.`test.csv`” } 5. Press send!