Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
- It was noticed that the build was failing because of the jdbc-all artifact
- The maximum compressed jar size was set to 32MB but we are currently creating a JAR a bit larger than 32MB
- I compared apache drill-1.10.0, drill-1.12.0, and drill-1.13.0 (on my MacOS)
- jdbc-all-1.10.0 jar size: 21MB
- jdbc-all-1.12.0 jar size: 27MB
- jdbc-all-1.13.0 jar size: 34MB (on Linux this size is roughly 32MB)
- Compared then in more details jdbc-all-1.12.0 and jdbc-all-1.13.0
- The bulk of the increase is attributed to the calcite artifact
- Used to be 2MB (uncompressed) and now 22MB (uncompressed)
- It is likely an exclusion problem
- The jdbc-all-1.12.0 version has only two top packages calcite/avatica/utils and calcite/avatica/remote
- The jdbc-all-1.13.0 includes new packages (within calcite/avatica) metrics, proto, org/apache/, com/fasterxml, com/google
I am planning to exclude these new sub-packages
Issue Links
- relates to
CALCITE-2215 Avatica - Remove unused shaded jar
- Closed
- links to