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  1. Apache Drill
  2. DRILL-5898

Query returns columns in the wrong order




      This is a regression. It worked with this commit:

      f1d1945b3772bb782039fd6811e34a7de66441c8	DRILL-5582: C++ Client: [Threat Modeling] Drillbit may be spoofed by an attacker and this may lead to data being written to the attacker's target instead of Drillbit

      It fails with this commit, although there are six commits total between the last good one and this one:

      b0c4e0486d6d4620b04a1bb8198e959d433b4840	DRILL-5876: Use openssl profile to include netty-tcnative dependency with the platform specific classifier

      Query is:

      select * from dfs.`/drill/testdata/tpch100_dir_partitioned_50000files/lineitem` where dir0=2006 and dir1=12 and dir2=15 and l_discount=0.07 order by l_orderkey, l_extendedprice limit 10

      Columns are returned in a different order. Here are the expected results:

      foxes. furiously final ideas cajol	1994-05-27	0.07	1731.42	4	F	653442	4965666.0	1.0	1994-06-23	A	1994-06-22	NONE	SHIP	215671	0.07	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))
      lly final account	1994-11-09	0.07	45881.78	3	F	653412	1.320809E7	46.0	1994-11-24	R	1994-11-08	TAKE BACK RETURN	REG AIR	458104	0.08	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))
       the asymptotes	1997-12-29	0.07	60882.8	6	O	653413	1.4271413E7	44.0	1998-02-04	N	1998-01-20	DELIVER IN PERSON	MAIL	21456	0.05	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))
      carefully a	1996-09-23	0.07	5381.88	2	O	653378	1.6702792E7	3.0	1996-11-14	N	1996-10-15	NONE	REG AIR	952809	0.05	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))
      ly final requests. boldly ironic theo	1995-09-04	0.07	2019.94	2	O	653380	2416094.0	2.0	1995-11-14	N	1995-10-18	COLLECT COD	FOB	166101	0.02	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))
      alongside of the even, e	1996-02-14	0.07	86140.32	2	O	653409	5622872.0	48.0	1996-05-02	N	1996-04-22	NONE	SHIP	372888	0.04	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))
      es. regular instruct	1996-10-18	0.07	25194.0	1	O	653382	6048060.0	25.0	1996-08-29	N	1996-08-20	DELIVER IN PERSON	AIR	798079	0.0	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))
      en package	1993-09-19	0.07	18718.32	2	F	653440	1.372054E7	12.0	1993-09-12	A	1993-09-09	DELIVER IN PERSON	TRUCK	970554	0.0	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))
      ly regular deposits snooze. unusual, even 	1998-01-18	0.07	12427.92	1	O	653413	2822631.0	8.0	1998-02-09	N	1998-02-05	TAKE BACK RETURN	REG AIR	322636	0.01	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))
       ironic ideas. bra	1996-10-13	0.07	64711.53	3	O	653383	6806672.0	41.0	1996-12-06	N	1996-11-10	TAKE BACK RETURN	AIR	556691	0.01	2006	12	15 (1 time(s))

      Here are the actual results:

      2006	12	15	653383	6806672	556691	3	41.0	64711.53	0.07	0.01	N	O	1996-11-10	1996-10-13	1996-12-06	TAKE BACK RETURN	AIR	 ironic ideas. bra
      2006	12	15	653378	16702792	952809	2	3.0	5381.88	0.07	0.05	N	O	1996-10-15	1996-09-23	1996-11-14	NONE	REG AIR	carefully a
      2006	12	15	653380	2416094	166101	2	2.0	2019.94	0.07	0.02	N	O	1995-10-18	1995-09-04	1995-11-14	COLLECT COD	FOB	ly final requests. boldly ironic theo
      2006	12	15	653413	2822631	322636	1	8.0	12427.92	0.07	0.01	N	O	1998-02-05	1998-01-18	1998-02-09	TAKE BACK RETURN	REG AIR	ly regular deposits snooze. unusual, even 
      2006	12	15	653382	6048060	798079	1	25.0	25194.0	0.07	0.0	N	O	1996-08-20	1996-10-18	1996-08-29	DELIVER IN PERSON	AIR	es. regular instruct
      2006	12	15	653442	4965666	215671	4	1.0	1731.42	0.07	0.07	A	F	1994-06-22	1994-05-27	1994-06-23	NONE	SHIP	foxes. furiously final ideas cajol
      2006	12	15	653413	14271413	21456	6	44.0	60882.8	0.07	0.05	N	O	1998-01-20	1997-12-29	1998-02-04	DELIVER IN PERSON	MAIL	 the asymptotes
      2006	12	15	653412	13208090	458104	3	46.0	45881.78	0.07	0.08	R	F	1994-11-08	1994-11-09	1994-11-24	TAKE BACK RETURN	REG AIR	lly final account
      2006	12	15	653440	13720540	970554	2	12.0	18718.32	0.07	0.0	A	F	1993-09-09	1993-09-19	1993-09-12	DELIVER IN PERSON	TRUCK	en package
      2006	12	15	653409	5622872	372888	2	48.0	86140.32	0.07	0.04	N	O	1996-04-22	1996-02-14	1996-05-02	NONE	SHIP	alongside of the even, e




            rhou Robert Hou
            rhou Robert Hou
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