Store (1 K)
Store the stream output to a storage engine. The sink parameter references a defined datasource within the logical plan. The target parameter describes the storage engine specific parameters (e.g. storage type, filename, etc). The partition values describe how to partition the output data. Partitioning can be done on a random, hash or ordered basis. An optional start parameter describes the set of partitions to target. In the case that starts are not described, the system will determine an appropriate set of partitions based on the nature of the query and its execution plan. Since the Logical Plan is typically not a direct user interface, outputting to terminal is done through a special type of sink called an rpc sink. The consumer of the logical plan interface is then responsible for setting up an inbound rpc endpoint with which the execution layer can communicate the results.
{ @id†: <opref>, op: “store”,
input†: <input>,
sink: <string>,
target: <json>,
{ type: <RANDOM|HASH|ORDERED>, exprs: [<expr>, … <expr>], starts*: [<expr>, … <expr>] }}