Join (M)
Joins two inputs based on one or more join conditions. The output of this operator is the combination of the two inputs. This is done by providing a combination record of each set of input records that matches all provided join conditions. In the case that no conditions are provided, a cartesian join is generated. The combination record is a single record that contains a merged map of values from both provided input records. For example, if the left record is
{donuts: [data]}and the right is
{purchases: [data]}, the combination record would be
{donuts: [data], purchases: [data]}. Join also requires a condition type variable which. This describes what happens when a record doesn’t match the join conditions. Inner means only records that match the join conditions should be included. Outer means if a record is
Avaiable relationship types ‘Reltypes’ include: >, >=, <=, <, !=, ==
{ @id†: <opref>, op: “join”,
left: <input>,
right: <input>,
type: <inner|outer|right|left>,
conditions*: [
{relationship: <reltype>, left: <expr>, right: <expr>}
, ...