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  1. CXF Distributed OSGi (Retired)
  2. DOSGI-115

Use Spring DM and Eclipse Gemini Blueprint with DOSGi



    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.4.0
    • 1.4.0
    • common
    • Developped in Windows OS

    • Unknown


      Today cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf supports only Spring DM. This goal of this issue is to modify cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf to support both Spring DM and Eclipse Gemini Blueprint.
      The idea is :

      • 1) cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf :remove Spring DM dependencies (don't use directly org.springframework.osgi.context.support.OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext and org.springframework.osgi.context.BundleContextAware) in this project but use a commons interface :

      package org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.container;

      import java.util.List;

      import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
      import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;


      • OSGi Spring container API.
      • @author Angelo Zerr <angelo.zerr@gmail.com>
      • */
        public interface OsgiSpringContainer {


      • Publish the given springs files and returns the Spring
      • {@link ApplicationContext}


      • @param springIntentLocations
      • @param bundleContext
      • @return
        ApplicationContext publish(List<String> springIntentLocations,
        BundleContext bundleContext);


      • Returns the {@link BundleContext}

        from the given Spring application

      • context.
      • @param context
      • @return
        BundleContext getBundleContext(ApplicationContext context);

      1.1) In the class OsgiUtils:

      do like this:

      ApplicationContext ctx = OsgiSpringContainerProvider.getContainer().publish(springIntentLocations, bundleContext);

      Instead of doing that:

      // OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext ctx = new OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(springIntentLocations
      // .toArray(new String[] {}));
      // ctx.setPublishContextAsService(false);
      // ctx.setBundleContext(bundleContext);
      // ctx.refresh();

      1.2) In the Activator class:

      Implements ApplicationContextAware (instead of BundleContextAware) :
      public class Activator implements ManagedService, ApplicationContextAware/,BundleContextAware/ {

      and implements setApplicationContext liek this

      public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context)
      throws BeansException {
      bc = OsgiUtils.getBundleContext(context);

      where OsgiUtils.getBundleContext use the interface

      public static BundleContext getBundleContext(ApplicationContext context) {
      return OsgiSpringContainerProvider.getContainer().getBundleContext(context);

      1.1) OsgiSpringContainerProvider:

      The OsgiSpringContainerProvider use SPI ServiceRegistry to retrieves the implemententation of OsgiSpringContainer :

      package org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.container;

      import java.util.Iterator;

      import javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry;

      public class OsgiSpringContainerProvider {

      private static OsgiSpringContainer container;

      public static OsgiSpringContainer getContainer()
      throws OsgiSpringContainerNotFoundException {
      if (container == null)

      { container = getContainerFromFragment(); }

      return container;

      public static synchronized OsgiSpringContainer getContainerFromFragment()
      throws OsgiSpringContainerNotFoundException {

      if (container != null)

      { return container; }

      Iterator<OsgiSpringContainer> containers = ServiceRegistry
      while (containers.hasNext())

      { return containers.next(); }

      throw new OsgiSpringContainerNotFoundException();

      2) cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf-gemini : new project which is a fragment linked to cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf and register with SPI ServiceRegistry the Gemini BluePring implementation of OSgiSpringContainer :

      package org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.container.geminiblueprint;

      import java.util.List;

      import org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.container.OsgiSpringContainer;
      import org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.context.support.OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext;
      import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
      import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

      public class GeminiBlueprintContainer
      implements OsgiSpringContainer {

      public ApplicationContext publish(List<String> springIntentLocations,
      BundleContext bundleContext) {
      OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext ctx = new OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(
      springIntentLocations.toArray(new String[] {}));
      return ctx;

      public BundleContext getBundleContext(ApplicationContext context)

      { return ((OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext)context).getBundleContext(); }

      This implementation is registered in the file META-INF/services/org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.container.OsgiSpringContainer :


      This fragment has Eclipse Gemini Blueprint dependencies.

      3) cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf-springdm: new project which is a fragment linked to cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf and register with SPI ServiceRegistry the SppringDM implementation of OSgiSpringContainer :

      package org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.container.springdm;

      import java.util.List;

      import org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.container.OsgiSpringContainer;
      import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
      import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
      import org.springframework.osgi.context.support.OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext;

      public class SpringDMContainer implements
      OsgiSpringContainer {

      public ApplicationContext publish(List<String> springIntentLocations,
      BundleContext bundleContext) {
      OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext ctx = new OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(
      springIntentLocations.toArray(new String[] {}));
      return ctx;

      public BundleContext getBundleContext(ApplicationContext context) { return ((OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext)context).getBundleContext(); }


      This implementation is registered in the file META-INF/services/org.apache.cxf.dosgi.dsw.container.OsgiSpringContainer :


      This fragment has Spring DM dependencies.

      4) Use cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf with Eclipse Gemini Blueprint

      So to use cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf with Eclipse Gemini Blueprint, add in the OSGi container cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf+cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf-gemini

      5) Use cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf with Spring DM

      So to use cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf with Spring DM, add in the OSGi container cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf+cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf-springdm

      I don't know Gemini Aires, but if it is based on Spring, we could create a new fragment cxf-dosgi-ri-dsw-cxf-aires.

      Hope you will like it this idea.


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              cschneider Christian Schneider
              angelo Angelo
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              4 Start watching this issue

