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  1. Qpid Dispatch
  2. DISPATCH-2003

Qdstat memory usage truncated to uint32_t value



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.15.0
    • 1.16.0
    • Management Agent
    • None


      See DISPATCH-2002. An iperf3 session across a two-router network (including the patch from DISPATCH-2001) drives the ingress router memory usage to 4Gb RES. Qdstat does not show this memory.

      A qdstat -m shows

      Memory Summary
        VmSize   Pooled
        607 MiB  5.57 MiB

      The router-internal memory pool numbers support the 5.57 MiB memory consumption.
      From the process side, however, memory usage is much greater:

      chug@unused iperf-unused> top -Hbn1 -p 2594366
      top - 17:49:26 up 19 days, 57 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.37, 0.48, 0.43
      Threads:   6 total,   0 running,   6 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
      %Cpu(s):  6.6 us,  1.7 sy,  0.0 ni, 91.7 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
      MiB Mem :  31551.5 total,   2999.0 free,  15963.2 used,  12589.2 buff/cache
      MiB Swap:  32768.0 total,  32580.0 free,    188.0 used.  14767.3 avail Mem 
          PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
      2594366 chug      20   0 4815548   4.0g  12784 S   0.0  13.1   0:12.70 qdrouterd
      2594367 chug      20   0 4815548   4.0g  12784 S   0.0  13.1   0:11.74 qdrouterd
      2594368 chug      20   0 4815548   4.0g  12784 S   0.0  13.1   0:05.70 qdrouterd
      2594369 chug      20   0 4815548   4.0g  12784 S   0.0  13.1   0:10.66 qdrouterd
      2594370 chug      20   0 4815548   4.0g  12784 S   0.0  13.1   0:15.40 qdrouterd
      2594371 chug      20   0 4815548   4.0g  12784 S   0.0  13.1   0:31.81 qdrouterd

      The huge 4.0g RES usage is (probably) an outgoing session buffer in proton that supports an interrouter link for which Q2 flow control is not in effect.

      PROTON-2144 delivers instrumented proton memory usage. Stats available from that effort should be available in qpid-dispatch debug builds.




            chug Charles E. Rolke
            chug Charles E. Rolke
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