New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
It would be very helpful if the DIT browser had a quick search in the top of the view. The quich search should consist of 3 fields:
Field 1 should be the attribute to seach for (text box that autocompletes attribute names)
Field 2 should be the evaluation ( a drop down list with =, !(=), <=, >=, ~=)
Field 3 should be the attribute value (text box that autocompletes previous values)
The fields should be placed in a single line with a search button to the far right.
Its a feature that exists in JXplorer, that would be nice to have in Directory Studio, which I find to be superior in almost any other aspect. But if I have to search for many differenct attributes with different values, then its a lot more timeconsuming to use the New Search Dialog in Directory Studio