Write the delete request rules for the BERDigester.
Here's the ASN.1 for both the request and the response:
DelRequest ::= [APPLICATION 10] LDAPDN
DelResponse ::= [APPLICATION 11] LDAPResult
Here's the raw tag nesting patterns for both the request and the response in that order where all the tag's have the constructed bit turned off:
Request Nesting
|-16 [0x10000000][38]-------SEQUENCE
|-----2 [0x02000000][1]-----------messageId
|-----10 [0x4a000000][31]---------[APPLICATION 10] LDAPDN OCTET STRING
|-----0 [0x80000000][0]-----------controls
v time
Response Nesting
|--16 [0x10000000][71] ------------------- SEQUENCE
|------ 2 [0x02000000][1] ------------------- messageId
|------11 [0x4b000000][64] ------------------- [APPLICATION 11] deleteResponse
|----------10 [0x0a000000][1] ---------------------- ENUMERATED resultCode
|---------- 4 [0x04000000][31] -------------------- matchedDN OCTET STRING
|---------- 4 [0x04000000][10] -------------------- errorMessage OCTET STRING
|---------- 3 [0x83000000][14] -------------------- referral
|--------------4 [0x04000000][5] --------------------- LDAPURL
|--------------4 [0x04000000][5] --------------------- LDAPURL
|------0 [0x80000000][0] --------------------- controls
Issue Links
- is depended upon by
DIRSERVER-56 Create digester rules to decode all LDAPv3 message types
- Closed