Searches with escaped characters in the base DN fail. I have created a test entry like this:
dn: sn=Ferry,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
sn: Ferry
cn: Bryan Ferry
and perform searches with the following parameters
BASE DN: sn=\46\65\72\72\79,dc=example,dc=com
Filter: (cn=Bryan Ferry)
Scope: BASE
BASE DN: sn=#4665727279,dc=example,dc=com
Filter: (cn=Bryan Ferry)
Scope: BASE
In both cases the entry is not found, although it should (see examples in Chapter 5 of RFC 2253). In example 1 the search base is the DN of the example with "Ferry" escaped with backslashes. The second example is the same search base, but with the value BER encoded (octet String).
An attached JUnit test creates the entry and performs both search ops. It passes with Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2 but fails with ApacheDS.