when I start NioSocketAcceptor,my codec sometimes receive strange data which not cames from my client.
At first, I really appreciate the open source MINA framework and MIMA development team. The reason why I send this email is that I want to submit a bug. After binding website, NioSocketAcceptor will open multiple sockets that connect each other. Does there exist a IoSession connected with a socket? If there did, can I receive notification with the method of IoHandler sessionCreated and IoHandler sessionOpened? So how to distinguish IoSession belonging to external or internal?
Shown by pseudo-code:
if ( exists a IoSession connected with socket ? ){
if (the method of IoHandler sessionCreated and IoHandler sessionOpened can receive notification ? ){
How to distinguish IoSession belonging to external or internal?
} else
} else
{ .... }My question is:
My program appears a weird problem, sometimes, the codec can receive the internal data in the socket.
I suppose if I am able to distinguish IoSession belonging to external or internal (from client connetion), I can control the codec's work (ignoring the internal IoSession data), and so this problem is solved.