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  1. MINA
  2. DIRMINA-419

about the Proxy example



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.1.2
    • None
    • Example
    • None


      I've been using the proxy example and I've discovered a bug.

      The IOHandler that handles the communication with the server (proxy <---->server) I've found a situation where the handler receives a messageReceived event and then a sessionClosed event in a very short time period. The result is that the bytes received in the proxy are not sent to the client. The connection to the client is closed before the message had a chance to be written.

      It is hard to explain the problem so here is a log trace showing what happens when everything goes well:

      12:36:05,429 DEBUG [SocketAcceptorIoProcessor-0.0] connectionProxy.ClientToProxyIoHandler - [/] sessionOpened
      12:36:05,461 DEBUG [SocketAcceptorIoProcessor-0.0] connectionProxy.ClientToProxyIoHandler - [/] messageReceived 8
      12:36:05,461 DEBUG [Thread-1] connectionProxy.test.TestAppServer - server has received and sent data back
      12:36:05,461 DEBUG [AnonymousIoService-7] connectionProxy.ServerToProxyIoHandler - [/] messageSent 8
      12:36:05,461 DEBUG [AnonymousIoService-7] connectionProxy.ServerToProxyIoHandler - [/] messageReceived 8
      12:36:05,461 DEBUG [SocketAcceptorIoProcessor-0.0] connectionProxy.ClientToProxyIoHandler - [/] messageSent 8
      12:36:05,461 DEBUG [AnonymousIoService-7] connectionProxy.ServerToProxyIoHandler - [/] sessionClosed 0
      12:36:05,461 DEBUG [SocketAcceptorIoProcessor-0.0] connectionProxy.ClientToProxyIoHandler - [/] sessionClosed
      12:36:05,461 DEBUG [Thread-5] connectionProxy.test.TestClient - client has received the data

      And this is a log trace that shows the problem:

      12:38:00,554 DEBUG [SocketAcceptorIoProcessor-0.0] connectionProxy.ClientToProxyIoHandler - [/] sessionOpened
      12:38:00,570 DEBUG [SocketAcceptorIoProcessor-0.0] connectionProxy.ClientToProxyIoHandler - [/] messageReceived 8
      12:38:00,586 DEBUG [Thread-1] connectionProxy.test.TestAppServer - server has received and sent data back
      12:38:00,586 DEBUG [AnonymousIoService-12] connectionProxy.ServerToProxyIoHandler - [/] messageSent 8
      12:38:00,586 DEBUG [AnonymousIoService-12] connectionProxy.ServerToProxyIoHandler - [/] messageReceived 8
      12:38:00,586 DEBUG [AnonymousIoService-12] connectionProxy.ServerToProxyIoHandler - [/] sessionClosed 0
      12:38:00,586 DEBUG [SocketAcceptorIoProcessor-0.0] connectionProxy.ClientToProxyIoHandler - [/] sessionClosed
      at java.io.DataInputStream.readFully(DataInputStream.java:178)
      at java.io.DataInputStream.readLong(DataInputStream.java:380)
      at com.indeos.connectionProxy.test.TestClient.run(TestClient.java:58)
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

      The EOFException says that the client has not be able to read the data before the connection was closed.

      The conclusion is that the close can happen before the write. Thus to solve the issue I had to add a join() in the messageReceived method such as:

      ((IoSession) session.getAttachment()).write(wb).join();

      Of course with this solution I break the asynchronous nature of the proxy. If you know a better solution I'd like to hear it!




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