Add a set of JUnit tests which tests the implementation for Scrollable Updatable ResultSets.
The following is a description of how the tests will be implemented:
Data model in test:
We use one table containing three int fields and one varchar(5000)
Then we run the tests on a number of variants of this model:
1. None of the fields are indexed (no primary key, no secondary key)
2. One of the fields is indexed as primary key
3. One of the fields is indexed as primary key, another field is
indexed as secondary key
4. One field is indexed as secondary key
(primary key is unique, secondary key is not unique)
By having these variations in the data model, we cover a number of
variations where the ScrollInsensitiveResultSet implementation uses
different classes of source ResultSets, and the CurrentOfResultSet
uses different classes of target and source ResultSet.
The table can be created with the following fields:
(id int, a int, b int, c varchar(5000))
Queries for testing SUR:
Select conditions:
- Full table scan
- Full table scan with criteria on non-indexed field
SQL: .. WHERE c like ?
SQL: .. WHERE b > ?
- Full table scan with criteria on indexed field
SQL: .. WHERE id>a
- SELECT on primary key conditionals:
- Upper and lower bond criteria:
SQL: .. WHERE ID>? and ID<?
SQL: .. WHERE ID=? – (Single tuple)
- Nested queries:
SQL: .. WHERE ID in (1,2,3,4)
SQL: .. WHERE a in (1,2,3,4)
(Other nested queries containing a table seems to not permit updates)
- SELECT on secondary key conditionals:
SQL: .. WHERE a>? and a<?
SQL: .. WHERE a=?
- Projections:
SQL: SELECT id,a,b,c
SQL: SELECT id,c,b,a
The test should generate queries with all combinations of the
projection and select conditions, and then run a number of tests:
- test navigiation
- test updates + navigation
- test deletes + navigation
- check rowUpdated() and rowDeleted() fields
Scrollability: All scroll-insensitive cursors should be checked for
scrollability. Scrolling is tested by invoking: next(), previous(),
beforeFirst(), afterLast(), absolute(), relative(), isBeforeFirst(),
isAfterLast(), isFirst(), isLast(),
Updating a scrollable resultset: a ResultSets current row can be
updated either by using updateXXX() + updateRow(), or by using
a positioned update query. All tests which updates row, will come in
two variants covering both these cases.
Deleting rows in scrollable resultset also has two variants: one using
a positioned update query, and one using deleteRow().
Special testcases:
Test that you get a warning when specifying a query which is not
updatable and concurrency mode CONCUR_UPDATABLE.
Case 1: Query containing order by
Case 2: Query containing a join
Test that you get an exception when specifying update clause "FOR UPDATE"
along with a query which is not updatable.
- Query containing order by
- Query containing a join
Test that you get an exception when attempting to update a ResultSet
which has been downgraded to a read only ResultSet due to the query
- Query contained a join
- Query contained a read only update clause
- Query contained a order by
Test that you get an exception when attempting to update a ResultSet
which has concurrency mode CONCUR_READ_ONLY
Concurrency tests:
- Test that update locks are downgraded to shared locks after
repositioning. (fails with derby)
- Test that we can aquire a update lock even if the row is locked with
a shared lock.
- Test that we can aquire a shared lock even if the row is locked with
an update lock.
- Test that we do not get a concurrency problem when opening two
cursors as readonly.
- Test what happens if you update a deleted and purged record
- Test what happens if you update a deleted and purged record using
positioned update
- Test what happens if you update a tuple which is deleted and then
- Test what happens if you update a tuple which is deleted and then
reinserted with the exact same values
- Test what happens if you update a tuple which has been modified by
another transaction.
- Test that you cannot compress the table while the ResultSet is open,
and the transaction is open (for validity of RowLocation)
- Test that you cannot purge a row if it is locked
- Test that Derby set updatelock on current row when using