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  1. Derby
  2. DERBY-827

Performance can be improved by re-using language ResultSets across Activation executions.



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Performance


      >Shouldn't DistinctScalarAggregateRS implement a close or a finish method
      >>(not sure what the difference is) and close the scan controller there.

      The close() and finish() methods are actually explained in their javadoc
      in the language org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ResultSet class.
      [note this is not a JDBC java.sql.ResultSet object]

      close() - Tells the system that there will be no more calls to
      getNextRow() (until the next open() call)

      finish() - Tells the system that there will be no more access to any
      database information via this result set

      So close means the ResultSet may be opened again for more access, while
      finish means it will not be used again.

      However, their use in the code always doesn't match that, and that does
      cause confusion, at least to me.

      Language ResultSets (not JDBC ones) can be and are opened multiple
      times, for example when scanning a table multiple times within a join.

      An Activation, which represents the internal state of
      java.sql.PreparedStatement object & has the lifetime of the
      java.sql.PreparedStatement, contains a top-level language ResultSet.
      This top-level language ResultSet provides the execution of the SQL
      statement, DML, DDL or a query. The top-level ResultSet may contain
      other ResultSets and could be seen as a tree structure. For the simple
      case of a primary key lookup query like:

      select name from customer where id = ?

      The activation would contain this:

      top result set
      ProjectRestrictRS << IndexRowToBaseRowRS << TableScanRS

      Now for some reason, even though the api of ResultSet say they can be
      re-used, and in some cases they are, this result set tree is thrown away
      after each execution. That is, the top result set has its finish()
      method called and then the activation removes its reference to it. Then
      on the next execution a new (identical) tree is set up.

      There is potential for a huge performance gain if this top level result
      set and its tree are re-used and have the same lifetime as the
      Activation. The saving comes in two forms, not having to create many
      objects on each execution, and not creating short-lived objects for the
      garbage collector to handle.

      I made a simple fix, it's a couple of lines of code, just calling close
      & finish at the correct times, and for the above simple primary key
      lookup query, the performance went from 17,300 to 24,000 selects per
      second (cached data, single user). I'll post a patch shortly as an
      indication of the direction, once I can separate it from other changes
      in my client.

      However, I'm running the Derby tests and there are some (maybe 25-30)
      failures, I think because not all the language ResultSet implementations
      are correctly written to be re-opened. Interestingly, the first failure
      I saw was in an aggregrate test, which goes back to the issue Manish saw.

      Even if derbyall passed I would be nervous about submitting this patch
      for real, because I don't think there's a lot of testing using repeat
      executions of PreparedStatements in the tests. The ij tests mainly use
      Statement, this is a single use of an activation so this change would
      not affect them. Thus such a patch could regress Derby by making it more
      likely existing bugs would be exposed.

      Given the performance gains, I think we need to start re-using
      ResultSets from Activation, and devise a way to ensure the testing
      covers the re-use. The main issue is there is a large number of
      ResultSet implementations to cover.


        1. candidate.diff
          14 kB
          Knut Anders Hatlen
        2. candidate.stat
          0.8 kB
          Knut Anders Hatlen
        3. close_nofinish.txt
          1 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        4. d827_execute_method_cleanup.txt
          7 kB
          Daniel John Debrunner
        5. d827-close-cleanup.diff
          2 kB
          Knut Anders Hatlen
        6. derby827_draft_reuse_result_sets.txt
          5 kB
          Daniel John Debrunner
        7. derby827_update920.txt
          8 kB
          Daniel John Debrunner
        8. derby-827.extra.diff
          1 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        9. derby-827.snapshot.diff
          28 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        10. MiscResultSetConstantAction.diff
          2 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        11. multiprobe_notTested.patch
          2 kB
          A B
        12. noclose_finish.txt
          0.8 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        13. noclose_nofinish.txt
          0.4 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        14. resetMembersScrollInsensitive.diff
          0.8 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        15. RowChanger.diff
          1 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        16. rsfromps_prelim.diff
          52 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        17. rsfromps_prelim2.diff
          61 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        18. rsfromps.v1.diff
          65 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        19. rsfromps.v1.stat
          0.4 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        20. TempTableToExecute.diff
          3 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        21. test_inbetween.sql
          2 kB
          Dyre Tjeldvoll
        22. test-isolation.diff
          22 kB
          Knut Anders Hatlen

        Issue Links



              dyret Dyre Tjeldvoll
              djd Daniel John Debrunner
              3 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

