Status: Closed
Resolution: Not A Problem
I am running Apache Derby 10.14 on Linux and I intermittently (yet frequently) see an issue when trying to start derby replication:
Attempt 1: ERRORCODE: 40000, SQLSTATE: XRE05, SQLERRMC: The log files on the master and slave are not in synch for replicated database 'ImpactDB'. The master log instant is 67:619207, whereas the slave log instant is 67:620032. This is fatal for replication - replication will be stopped.
Attempt 2: ERRORCODE: 40000, SQLSTATE: XRE05, SQLERRMC: The log files on the master and slave are not in synch for replicated database 'ImpactDB'. The master log instant is 67:619207, whereas the slave log instant is 67:619207. This is fatal for replication - replication will be stopped.
Attempt 3: ERRORCODE: 40000, SQLSTATE: XRE05, SQLERRMC: The log files on the master and slave are not in synch for replicated database 'ImpactDB'. The master log instant is 67:619207, whereas the slave log instant is 67:620406. This is fatal for replication - replication will be stopped.
Attempt 4: ERRORCODE: 40000, SQLSTATE: XRE05, SQLERRMC: The log files on the master and slave are not in synch for replicated database 'ImpactDB'. The master log instant is 67:619207, whereas the slave log instant is 67:620780. This is fatal for replication - replication will be stopped.
Before starting the slave, I freeze the master database. I ensure that no connections are made to the master and that all existing connections are closed. I wait for the disk to flush and then zip the derby files and copy to the slave host. I then start the slave (startSlave=true) followed by the master (startMaster=true).
As you see each time, the slave log record number gets higher and higher. Yet, the master log record does not change as no change is made to the DB.
When I look at the files on disk in the log and seg0 directories, they are the same.
I turn on trace level logging for derby and I do not see any unexpected connections or SQL run during the replication attempt. Indeed, given the log record for the master stays unchanged it can be seen that nothing is changed in the database. The *.trace files show no activity between the FREEZE call and that start call.