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  1. Derby
  2. DERBY-6000

Implement support for JDBC 4.2



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • JDBC
    • None
    • Normal


      Open JDK 8 will include maintenance rev 4.2 of JDBC. The public discussion of JDBC 4.2 will take place here: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/170. We will want to build Derby support for JDBC 4.2 after a public spec appears. At this time, it is unclear what Derby release will carry this support.


        1. derby-6000-01-aa-executeLargeUpdateEmbedded.diff
          14 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        2. derby-6000-02-ad-executeLargeUpdateClient.diff
          48 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        3. derby-6000-03-aa-executeLargeBatch.diff
          14 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        4. derby-6000-04-aa-setLargeMaxRows.diff
          17 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        5. derby-6000-05-aa-executeLargeUpdatePS.diff
          11 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        6. derby-6000-06-aa-DatabaseMetaData.diff
          11 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        7. derby-6000-07-ab-batchUpdateException.diff
          42 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        8. derby-6000-08-aa-batchUpdateExceptionConstructor.diff
          5 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        9. derby-6000-09-ac-setObjectPS.diff
          58 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        10. derby-6000-10-aa-rename_getMaxLogicalLobSize.diff
          5 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        11. derby-6000-11-aa-ResultSet.updateObject.diff
          19 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        12. derby-6000-12-aa-CallableStatement.registerOutParameter.diff
          36 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        13. derby-6000-12-ab-CallableStatement.registerOutParameter.diff
          38 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        14. derby-6000-13-aa-fixJavadoc.diff
          3 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        15. derby-6000-14-aa-unsupportedVetter.diff
          3 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        16. derby-6000-15-aa-CallableStatement.setObject.diff
          17 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        17. derby-6000-16-aa-fixJavadocOnJava8.diff
          39 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        18. derby-6000-17-aa-getMaxLogicalLobSize.diff
          3 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        19. derby-6000-18-aa-checkForClosedBeforeForwarding.diff
          1 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        20. derby-6000-19-ab-miscBuddyTestingFixes.diff
          19 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        21. derby-6000-19-ac-miscBuddyTestingFixes.diff
          20 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        22. derby-6000-20-aa-negativeUpdateObject.diff
          2 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        23. derby-6000-21-aa-fixUnsupportedVetterForDerby10_9onJDK8.diff
          4 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        24. derby-6000-22-aa-disableUnsupportedVetterForDerby10_9onJDK8.diff
          2 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        25. derby-6000-23-aa-suppressDiagnosticInUnsupportedVetter.diff
          0.7 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        26. JDBC_4.2_Changes.html
          24 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas
        27. JDBC_4.2_Changes.html
          22 kB
          Richard N. Hillegas

        Issue Links



              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhillegas Richard N. Hillegas
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

