Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Reporting for Army, filed on derby-dev list.
If, when using the Network Server, one tries to execute a select
statement that fails because of an SQL exception (ex. divide-by-zero),
and if an "order by" clause is specified as part of the select, the
server will throw a distributed protocol exception, instead of the
appropriate error.
Repro (using the "ij" utility)
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:net://localhost:1527/myDB:user=u;password=p;';
ij> create table t1 (i int, j int);
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> insert into t1 values (2,0);
1 row inserted/updated/deleted
– Without an "order by" it's fine...
– (22012 ==> "Attempt to divide by zero.", which is fine)
ij> select
{fn mod(i,j)} from t1;1
ERROR 22012: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: 22012, SQLERRMC: 22012
– With an order by, it dies...
ij> select {fn mod(i,j)}
from t1 order by 1;
ERROR 58009: Execution failed due to a distribution protocol error that
caused deallocation of the conversation. A DRDA Data Stream Syntax Error
was detected. Reason: 0x13
The problem is in the file, "processCommands(...)"
method, in the "case CodePoint.OPNQRY" block of code. In the case of an
SQL exception, there's a call to "writer.clearBuffer()" that is used to
ensure that only an OPNQFLRM is sent back to the client, not the
OPNQRYRM and/or QRYDSC that may have been written to buffer before the
OPNQFLRM. That call to "clearBuffer" has to be replaced with something
smarter, so that instead of doing a full clear (which causes the problem
shown above), it only backs out the buffer writes that it has made since
beginning the "case CodePoint.OPNQRY" block...