The test lang.OrderByAndSortAvoidance contains characters that can't be mapped to 7-bit ASCII. This results in warnings when generating the Javadocs.
For instance:
java/testing/org/apache/derbyTesting/functionTests/tests/lang/ warning: unmappable character for encoding ASCII
insertTable2(it2, 15032385537L, "BatchTypeInstructions", "Ne pas jeter ces documents. Ils ont t faits pour quelque chose.");
This can be remedied by using a different system locale, but the question is whether we should use char literals in the source code instead?
Most systems use the C locale by default, as is the case for (at least one of) the build servers we use (search for "Ils ont" or move down a few pages):
Issue Links
- is broken by
DERBY-5695 Speed up population of tables in OrderByAndSortAvoidance
- Closed