I have an ij script below which shows that the number of rows in SYSDEPENDS go down by 1 for the following test case after an update is made to a table with update triggers defined on it. Am not sure what kind of problems the missing dependnecy might cause.
connect 'jdbc:derby:c:/dellater/db1;create=true';
CREATE TABLE ATDC_13_TAB1(c11 int, c12 int);
insert into ATDC_13_TAB1 values (1,11);
create table ATDC_13_TAB2(c21 int, c22 int);
insert into ATDC_13_TAB2 values (1,11);
create table ATDC_13_TAB3(c31 int, c32 int);
insert into ATDC_13_TAB3 values (1,11);
create table ATDC_13_TAB1_backup(c11 int, c12 int);
insert into ATDC_13_TAB1_backup values (1,11);
create trigger ATDC_13_TAB1_trigger_1 after update
on ATDC_13_TAB1 for each row mode db2sql
SELECT C21 from ATDC_13_TAB2;
create trigger ATDC_13_TAB1_trigger_2 after update
on ATDC_13_TAB1 for each row mode db2sql
SELECT C31, C32 from ATDC_13_TAB3;
– following shows 14 rows
select * from sys.sysdepends;
update ATDC_13_TAB1 set c12=11;
– following shows only 13 rows
I tried this on 10.2 and 10.8 and saw the same behavior on both. It seems like the dependency that gets dropped is between the stored prepared statement and a table. Have not spent enough time to find out more details but I thought it is worth pointing out the behavior
select * from sys.sysdepends;
Issue Links
- relates to
DERBY-6684 Failure in testDERBY5120NumRowsInSydependsForTrigger when upgrading from to trunk
- Closed
DERBY-5323 SYSDEPENDS may be keeping redundant dependency info. Specific information for trigger case in this jira but there might be other cases as well
- Open