For the sql script below:
create table t1(c11 int, c12 int);
– insert data into tables
insert into t1 values(1,1);
insert into t1 values(2,2);
– set autocommit off
autocommit off;
get with nohold cursor jdk1 as 'SELECT * FROM t1';
– do fetches from the cursor
next jdk1;
– now try the fetch on cursor again after commit
– cursors jdk1 will give Error XCL16
next jdk1;
– clean up.
close jdk1;
for the line "next jdk1;", an Error XCL16 will be thrown. However, detailed prompt for Error XCL16 is different between Client and Embed.
In client mode, we get "ERROR XCL16: ResultSet not open. Verify that autocommit is OFF."
While, in embed mode, we get "ERROR XCL16: ResultSet not open. Operation 'next' not permitted. Verify that autocommit is OFF."
Issue Links
- is part of
DERBY-310 Document and/or change Derby client code to match behavior with Embedded driver where possible.
- Closed
DERBY-4609 Derby Test and Fix GSOC 2010 project
- Closed
- is related to
DERBY-4776 Correct wrong operation for LANG_RESULT_SET_NOT_OPEN in ScrollInsensitiveResultSet.getPreviousRow() from 'next' to 'previous'
- Closed
DERBY-3801 Convert "org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.holdCursorIJ.sql" to junit.
- Closed