Philips spotted this problem on a Windows 2003 server:
(mail quote):
I ran derbyall on a new machine and the lang/ test
fails. I've run the same test successfully on 3 other machines and the
only discernable difference I am able to come up with is the operating
system (XP vs Windows 2003 Server on the failing machine). Also the
error in question seems to suggest that the problem is with an empty log
file, I've also attached a copy of that non empty log file. At this
point I'm open to suggestions.
------------------ Java Information ------------------
Java Version: 1.4.2_08
Java Vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java home: c:\j2sdk1.4.2_08\jre
Java classpath: .;c:\derby\derbyMain\classes;c:\derby\db2jcc.jar;c:\derby\db2jcc_license_c.jar;C:\derby\derbyMain\tools\java\jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar;C:\derby\derbyMain\tools\java\geronimo-spec-servlet-2.4-rc4.jar;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib\tools.jar;.;C:\j2sdk1.4.2_08\lib;C:\IBM\SQLLIB\java\;C:\IBM\SQLLIB\java\db2jcc.jar;C:\IBM\SQLLIB\java\;C:\IBM\SQLLIB\bin;C:\IBM\SQLLIB\java\common.jar
OS name: Windows 2003
OS architecture: x86
OS version: 5.2
Java user name: db2admin
Java user home: C:\Documents and Settings\db2admin
Java user dir: C:\Derby\derbyMain\singleTest Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.version: 1.4
--------- Derby Information --------
JRE - JDBC: J2SE 1.4.2 - JDBC 3.0
[C:\Derby\derbyMain\classes] alpha - (1)
[C:\Derby\db2jcc.jar] 2.4 - (17)
[C:\Derby\db2jcc_license_c.jar] 2.4 - (17)
[C:\IBM\SQLLIB\java\db2jcc.jar] 2.4 - (17)
----------------- Locale Information -----------------
Current Locale : [English/United States [en_US]]
Found support for locale: [de_DE]
version: alpha - (1)
Found support for locale: [es]
version: alpha - (1)
Found support for locale: [fr]
version: alpha - (1)
Found support for locale: [it]
version: alpha - (1)
Found support for locale: [ja_JP]
version: alpha - (1)
Found support for locale: [ko_KR]
version: alpha - (1)
Found support for locale: [pt_BR]
version: alpha - (1)
Found support for locale: [zh_CN]
version: alpha - (1)
Found support for locale: [zh_TW]
version: alpha - (1)
Framework: embedded
- Start: errorStream jdk1.4.2_08 2005-07-13 11:24:44 ***
4 del
< shutdown ok: XJ015:Derby system shutdown.
5 del
< shutdown ok: XJ015:Derby system shutdown.
6 del
< shutdown ok: XJ015:Derby system shutdown.
7 del
< shutdown ok: XJ015:Derby system shutdown.
8 del
< shutdown ok: XJ015:Derby system shutdown.
9 del
< shutdown ok: XJ015:Derby system shutdown.
10 del
< shutdown ok: XJ015:Derby system shutdown.
11 del
< shutdown ok: XJ015:Derby system shutdown.
12 del
< Test errorStream finished successfully
12 add
> Test errorStream failed: assertNonEmpty failed:C:\Derby\derbyMain\singleTest\errorStream\VombatusUrsinusHirsutus-err-2.log
> org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.tests.lang.AssertException: assertNonEmpty failed:C:\Derby\derbyMain\singleTest\errorStream\VombatusUrsinusHirsutus-err-2.log
Test Failed. - End: errorStream jdk1.4.2_08 2005-07-13 11:24:48 ***
2005-07-13 14:24:46.671 GMT Thread[main,5,main] C:\Derby\derbyMain\singleTest\errorStreamfoo\VombatusUrsinusHirsutus-file-2.log (The system cannot find the path specified)
2005-07-13 14:24:46.687 GMT:
Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby - alpha - (1): instance c013800d-0105-1095-564f-00004167747a
on database directory C:\Derby\derbyMain\singleTest\errorStream\VombatusUrsinusHirsutus-2
- Start: errorStream jdk1.4.2_08 2005-07-13 11:24:44 ***
Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''
2005-07-13 14:24:47.468 GMT:
Shutting down instance c013800d-0105-1095-564f-00004167747a