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  1. Derby
  2. DERBY-3179

Clearup documentation on locale and error messages

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    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Documentation
    • Low


      Mamta A. Satoor - 26/Oct/07 09:36 AM
      Laura, I looked at the cdevin55108.html page and I have to admit that the contents of it look confusing to me. The html seems to be giving contradictory information. May be someone who knows more about tools, error messages and how they are related to locale can help us determine the right content but I thought I will bring to the list's attention.

      The page says that "For example, Derby explicitly supports Spanish-language error messages. If a database's locale is set to one of the Spanish-language locales, Derby returns error messages in the Spanish language." So this seems to indicate that locale of the database will determine the language of the error messages. But the line below seems to say that locale of the database has nothing to do with language of the error messages. "The locale of the database is set by the territory=ll_CC attribute when the database is created. However, *the locale of the error messages and tools is not determined by the locale of the database*. The locale of the error messages and tools is determined by the default system locale. This means that it is possible to create a database with a non-default locale. In such a case, error messages are not returned in the language of the locale of the database but are returned in the language of the default locale instead."

      Sorry, at this point, I do not know enough about how tools and error messages work in Derby to tell you what is the right content for cdevin55108.html. I am hoping someone who knows more about this can help us.

      Laura Stewart - 29/Oct/07 02:20 PM
      Mamta - I have asked on derby-dev about file cdevin55108.html. I suspect that Derby does not display the error messages in another language unless when IBM donated the code for Cloudscape, the error messages had been translated into other languges... any new messages since then will not appear in the locale language. However, there may be some kind of locale translator that is built in, which I am not aware of..


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