CollationTest has the following todo test items that should be addressed.
- ToDo test cases
- 1)Use a parameter as cast operand and cast that to character type. The
- resultant type should get it's collation from the compilation schema
- 2)Test conditional if (NULLIF and CASE) with different datatypes to see
- how casting works. The compile node for this SQL construct seems to be
- dealing with lot of casting code (ConditionalNode)
- 3)When doing concatenation testing, check what happens if concatantion
- is between non-char types. This is because ConcatenationOperatorNode
- in compile package has following comment "If either the left or right
- operands are non-string, non-bit types, then we generate an implicit
- cast to VARCHAR."
- 4)Do testing with upper and lower
- 5)It looks like node for LIKE ESCAPE which is LikeEscapeOperatorNode
- also uses quite a bit of casting. Should include test for LIKE ESCAPE
- which will trigger the casting.
- 6)Binary arithmetic operators do casting if one of the operands is
- string and other is numeric. Test that combination
- 7)Looks like import utility does casting (in ColumnInfo class). See
- if any testing is required for that.
- 8)Do testing with UNION and use the results of UNION in collation
- comparison (if there is something like that possible. I didn't put too
- much thought into it but wanted to list here so we can do the required
- testing if needed).