I downloaded a Cloudescape Version 10 from here Not sure exactly which version of 10 this is.
Would like to store up to a 10MB XML string in a CLOB. However, I noticed it took over 3 minutes to insert a 500kb string. I am using the PreparedStatement to get around the 37kb limitation encountered in a previous issue. It takes less than 2 seconds to insert a 500kb string into a CLOB in mySQl.
Here the snippet:
FileReader fr = new FileReader ("sample.txt");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String record = null;
try {
while ( (record=br.readLine()) != null )
{ bufferStr.append( record ); }} catch (IOException e)
{ // // put your error-handling code here // System.out.println("Error reading file"); }System.out.println("Size of inputStr: "+bufferStr.length() );
PreparedStatement ps = mm.connection.prepareStatement("INSERT into documents VALUES (?,?)" );
ps.setInt(1, 13 );
StringReader reader1 = new StringReader(bufferStr.toString());
ps.setCharacterStream(2, reader1, bufferStr.length());
System.out.println("Uploading string....");
System.out.println("Done uploading string...");
Thanks for your the help,
Glenn O.