GrantRevokeTest had assert methods (assertInsertPrivilege etc.) of the form
try {
} catch (SQLException sqle)
if (!hasPrivilege)
assertSQLState("42502", e);
Note that no fail() assert was in the try portion after the SQL execution. The statement should not work if hasPrivilege is false, but the test will incorrectly pass if the statement succeeds. I added fail asserts with revision 552922 like:
if (!hasPrivilege)
fail("expected no INSERT permission on table");
but these two for INSERT and UPDATE caused the test to fail (about 6 fixtures fail) indicating that the statement succeeds even if the permission is not granted.
It could be a test problem but needs some investigation.
The asserts for assertInsertPrivilege and asserUpdatePrivilege are commented out to stop the test failing.