Updated the problem description to reflect the actual issue [Stan 4/5/07]: EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource is not returning a JDBC 4 compliant PooledConnection object
When loaded using JVM 1.6 the JDBC 3.0 data source (org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource) is reporting a JDBC spec compliance level of 4. The DatabaseMetaData.getJDBCMajorVersion method should return the
correct spec compliance level (3) for the JDBC 3.0 data source. The application server that relies on the reported spec compliance level to determine if a statement event listener should be registered will encounter a failure when attemptting to register an event listener with the JDBC 3.0 driver.
Note that the JDBC 4.0 metadata call ..getMetaData().supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax() is executed by the JDBC 3.0 driver. This doesn't bother me but seems curious that this is supported by a JDBC 3.0 driver.
Attached is a test case based on the test code from DERBY-8862 (JDBC 4 driver reports incorrect spec complieance level).
Running the test:
set JAVA_HOME to a 1.6 JVM
Compile program
run command: ${JAVA_HOME}/java showJDBCdsMetaDataLis <path-to-database> 3.0
Using JAVA 6.0
> "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" showJDBCdsMetaDataLis "c:\tstdb102" 3.0
. . JDBC 3 or less: Using jdbc.EmbeddedConnectionPoolDataSource
Database product: Apache Derby
Database version: - (485682)
Driver name: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
Driver version: - (485682)
JDBC driver major version: 4
JDBC driver minor version: 0
JDBC 4.0 metaData - SFusingCall: true
>> exception thrown:
A non SQL error occured.
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbedPooledConnection.addStatementEventListener(Ljavax/sql/Statemen
at showJDBCdsMetaDataLis.main(