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  1. Derby
  2. DERBY-246

XA end() fails with Connection is closed error



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Network Client
    • None
    • I am using the 10.1.0 alpha build.


      I am testing ClientXADataSource.
      It fails when end() is called - here is the output fromn my test program.

      Running test org.simplejta.xatests.common.Test1
      autocommit = false
      No of rows Affected 1
      autocommit = true
      No of rows Affected 1
      org.apache.derby.client.am.XaException: XAER_RMFAIL : Connection is Closed.
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetXAResource.throwXAException(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetXAResource.throwXAException(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetXAResource.connectionClosedFailure(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetXAResource.end(Unknown Source)
      at org.simplejta.xatests.common.Test1.doTest(Test1.java:52)
      at org.simplejta.tests.DerbyClientTests.main(DerbyClientTests.java:66)
      Caused by: org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException: Connection is Closed.
      ... 4 more
      Test org.simplejta.xatests.common.Test1 failed

      The test program is:


      • Test case for multiple logical connections between start() and end().
        package org.simplejta.xatests.common;

      import java.sql.Connection;
      import java.sql.SQLException;
      import java.sql.Statement;

      import javax.sql.XAConnection;
      import javax.sql.XADataSource;
      import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource;
      import javax.transaction.xa.Xid;

      public class Test1 extends TestCase {

      public void doTest(XADataSource ds) throws Exception

      { // Get a XA connection to the underlying data source XAConnection pc1 = ds.getXAConnection(); // Get the XA Resource XAResource xar1 = pc1.getXAResource(); // Create an Xid Xid xid1 = Utils.createXid(1); // Start the XA transaction xar1.start(xid1, XAResource.TMNOFLAGS); // Get a Logical Connection Connection conn1 = pc1.getConnection(); System.out.println("autocommit = " + conn1.getAutoCommit()); // Do something with conn1 doSomeWork1(conn1, 50); // Close the logical connection conn1.close(); // Get another logical connection conn1 = pc1.getConnection(); System.out.println("autocommit = " + conn1.getAutoCommit()); // Do something with conn1 doSomeWork1(conn1, 51); // Close the logical connection conn1.close(); // END the branche xar1.end(xid1, XAResource.TMSUCCESS); // Prepare the RMs int prp1 = xar1.prepare(xid1); // Commit transaction xar1.commit(xid1, false); // Close physical connection pc1.close(); }

      private void doSomeWork1(Connection conn, int deptno) throws SQLException

      { Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); int cnt = stmt .executeUpdate("INSERT INTO dept VALUES (" + deptno + ", 'BSD', 'LONDON')"); System.out.println("No of rows Affected " + cnt); stmt.close(); stmt = null; }


      This test works fine with EmbeddedXADataSource. It also works fine with Oracle.

      Also, note that this error seems similar to the error I am getting with DB2 using the DB2 type 4 driver.

      Running test org.simplejta.xatests.common.Test1
      autocommit = false
      No of rows Affected 1
      autocommit = false
      No of rows Affected 1
      com.ibm.db2.jcc.b.de: XAER_RMFAIL : Connection is Closed. : Exception from native code during XA
      at com.ibm.db2.jcc.uw.UWXAResource.a(UWXAResource.java:695)
      at com.ibm.db2.jcc.uw.UWXAResource.a(UWXAResource.java:709)
      at com.ibm.db2.jcc.uw.UWXAResource.end(UWXAResource.java:227)
      at org.simplejta.xatests.common.Test1.doTest(Test1.java:52)
      at org.simplejta.tests.DB2Tests.main(DB2Tests.java:65)
      Caused by: com.ibm.db2.jcc.b.SqlException: Connection is Closed.
      at com.ibm.db2.jcc.uw.UWXAResource.a(UWXAResource.java:705)
      ... 3 more
      Test org.simplejta.xatests.common.Test1 failed

      Curiously, the error appears to corrupt the database. Subsequent attempts to start the database gives an error.

      org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ040, SQLERRMC: tca[..snip..]XJ040.C..[snip]..STB0:XSTB0.M..[snip]..led to start database 'tca', see the next exception for details...[snip]..An exception was thrown during transaction abort...[snip]..(server log:c:\derby\databases\derby.log)
      at org.apache.derby.client.am.Connection.completeSqlca(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnectionReply.parseRdbAccessFailed(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnectionReply.parseAccessRdbError(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnectionReply.parseACCRDBreply(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnectionReply.readAccessDatabase(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnection.readSecurityCheckAndAccessRdb(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnection.flowSecurityCheckAndAccessRdb(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnection.flowUSRIDPWDconnect(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnection.flowConnect(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnection.initialize(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.net.NetXAConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.ClientPooledConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.client.ClientXAConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientXADataSource.getXAConnection(Unknown Source)
      at org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientXADataSource.getXAConnection(Unknown Source)


        1. derby246.diff
          28 kB
          Katherine Marsden
        2. DERBY-246_irc_6_3_2005
          4 kB
          Katherine Marsden

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              kmarsden Katherine Marsden
              dibyendumajumdar Dibyendu Majumdar
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