In the file, there are two items that are similar:
XCL47.S=Use of ''
{0}'' requires database to be upgraded from version
{1}to version
{2} or later.
XCL478.S=The requested function can not reference tables in SESSION schema.
SQLSTATEs are supposed to be 5 characters long. When I issue a CREATE VIEW on a SESSION table, I receive the proper error message:
ij> declare global temporary table x (a int) not logged;
0 rows inserted/updated/deleted
ij> create view z as (select * from session.x);
ERROR XCL47: The requested function can not reference tables in SESSION schema.
So, was XCL478 truncated to XCL47? Does this mean that if I tried to do something that invokes the other version of XCL47 that I will get the wrong message? I suspect one of the message numbers needs to be changed and that the SQL error be fixed to be 5 characters long instead of 6.