Currently, the last sql statement in following set of sql statements will raise a null pointer exception
connect 'jdbc:derby:c:/dellater/dbmaintest2;create=true' user 'mamta1' as mamta1;
create table t11ConstraintTest (c111 int not null, c112 int not null, primary key (c111, c112));
grant references on t11ConstraintTest to mamta3;
connect 'jdbc:derby:c:/dellater/dbmaintest2;create=true' user 'mamta3' as mamta3;
drop table t31ConstraintTest;
– the following statement should remember that it depends on REFERENCES privilege on mamta1.t11ConstraintTest
create table t31ConstraintTest (c311 int, c312 int, foreign key(c311, c312) references mamta1.t11ConstraintTest);
drop table t31ConstraintTest;
set connection mamta1;
– following should revoke all the privileges granted on it
drop table t11ConstraintTest;
create table t11ConstraintTest (c111 int not null, c112 int not null, primary key (c111, c112));
grant references(c111) on t11ConstraintTest to mamta3;
grant references(c112) on t11ConstraintTest to PUBLIC;
--connect 'jdbc:derby:c:/dellater/dbmaintest2;create=true' user 'mamta3' as mamta3;
set connection mamta3;
drop table t31ConstraintTest;
– following sql should recompie itself because the earlier plan depended on a privilege which doesn't
– exist anymore. Instead, new privileges have been granted and the plan for following statement should depend
– on those new privileges
create table t31ConstraintTest (c311 int, c312 int, foreign key(c311, c312) references mamta1.t11ConstraintTest);
Issue Links
- relates to
DERBY-1523 Statements in cache need to depend on privileges and the appropriate statements in cache should get invalidated if those privileges change.
- Closed
DERBY-464 Enhance Derby by adding grant/revoke support. Grant/Revoke provide finner level of privileges than currently provided by Derby that is especially useful in network configurations.
- Closed