We have been diagnosing a leak with DBCP and XA mySQL and discovered that the mySQL driver expects close() to be invoked on the XAConnection obtained from xaDataSource.getXAConnection() instead of the java.sql.Connection returned by xaConnection.getConnection();
The following code snippet in DataSourceXAConnectionFactory illustrates how the XAConnection is lost:
public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException {
// create a new XAConection
XAConnection xaConnection;
if (username == null)
{ xaConnection = xaDataSource.getXAConnection(username, password); } // get the real connection and XAResource from the connection
Connection connection = xaConnection.getConnection();
XAResource xaResource = xaConnection.getXAResource();
// register the xa resource for the connection
transactionRegistry.registerConnection(connection, xaResource);
return connection;
In the code snippet above, the XAConnection is basically discarded after using it to obtain the java.sql.Connection and XAResource. It would be ideal if it actually associates the XAConnection in the transactionRegistry as well so that when PooledManagedConnection handles reallyClose(), it can also invoke close() on the XAConnection by interrogating the TransactionRegistry for the actual XAConnection to close.
This may be something that's mySQL specific.
Issue Links
- duplicates
DBCP-327 XAConnection is not closed
- Closed