Types of tags:
- DataLab Tag / SBN name:
o auto-assigned tag (current behavior)
- endpoint_tag:
o manual input from Web UI
o assigned to notebooks, clusters, including Service data engines
- project_tag:
o manual input from Web UI
o assigned to notebooks, clusters, including Service data engines
- user_tag:
o Autogenerated
o format: []
o assigned to notebooks, clusters, including Service data engines
- custom_tag:
o manual input from Web UI, can be changed from Web UI
o can be changed on Web UI, should be visible on Web UI
o assigned to notebooks, clusters, including Service data engines
- Admin created Endpoint1 with endpoint_tag:Endpoint1
- All resources within Endpoint (notebook, cluster) obtain*endpoint_tag:Endpoint1*
- Admin created Project1 with project_tag:Project1 and assign Endpoint1 to that project
- All resources within Endpoint (notebook, cluster) obtain additional tag project_tag:Project1
- User1 created notebook within Project1 with custom*custom_tag:Custom1*
- That notebook obtains: endpoint_tag:Endpoint1, project_tag:Project1,, custom_tag:custom1
- Admin created Project 2 with project_tag:Project2 and assign Endpoint1 to that project
- All resources within Endpoint (notebook, cluster) obtain additional tag project_tag:Project2
- User1 creates notebook within Project2 with custom*custom_tag:Custom2*
- That notebook obtains: endpoint_tag:Endpoint1, project_tag:Project2,, custom_tag:custom2