
    • Story
    • Status: In Progress
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • DataLab Main
    • Security Level: Public (Regular Issues)


      1.  It is possible to have only one active HDInsight for the hole DataLab: 5sp, priority1 lfrolov ready
         (BadRequest) Creating multiple HDInsight clusters in the same Virtual Network requires each cluster to have unique first six characters. Please specify a different name and try again. VirtualNetwork: '/subscriptions/493eb9b7-74b9-4b16-8b5b-2b25cab1e41e/resourceGroups/dlab-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/dlab-vpc', Existing HDInsight Cluster 'az-29-09-22-proj-local-des-hdin3' 
      1. Stopping notebook does not terminate related HDInsight - *1sp, priority1 orepnikov
      2. Change "_" for "" in HDInsight name. Because it's impossible to go to HDInsight link- - 1sp, priority2 orepnikov 
      3.  From DataLab WEB UI it is indicated v.4 HDInsight, but actually it's v.5 - 1sp, priority2 orepnikov 
      4.  User should not look up for the username & password for HDInsight in docker log 5sp, priority2
      5.  If notebook is created from auto-test the HDInsight creation fails due to custom tag - 1sp, priority3
      6. [RStudio] Investigate how to run playbook on HDInsight - 3sp, priority3
      7. [Back-end ]During notebook termination HDInsight is stuck in Terminating status on DataLab WEB UI - 3sp, priority2 dyankiv 
      8. Project termination fails if HDInsight is in Running status  - 3sp, priority3
      9. [RStudio] Password is still available after HDInsight termination - 2sp, pririty3 orepnikov 
      10. [Jupyter] HDInsight is still available in the kernel list after its termination - 2sp, priority3 orepnikov 
      11. [Zeppelin] Adjust view of remote interpreter with respect to the necessary interpreters - 3sp, priority3
      12. HDInsight has not access to the bucket - 5sp, priority 1 lfrolov ready
      13. [Back-end]Billing tasks for HDInsight - 3sp, priority3 dyankiv 
      14. [Front-end]Hide possibility to install library from DataLab WEB UI - 1sp, priority2 hshpak 


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              lfrolov Leonid Frolov
              vvitanska Vira Vitanska
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