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  1. Daffodil
  2. DAFFODIL-798

verify Errata Test Coverage



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • s11
    • None
    • QA
    • None


      review Wiki Errata Implemented/Not Implemented page: https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=22052868

      Every errata that has a "No" status, and is not about unparsing, we need a JIRA task, and a requirement (or a few perhaps for the larger errata) to track them. Well, I guess we need requirements for all of them - I know Tham did an analysis of this not too far back.

      For these errata numbers, I was not sure of the answers. I guessed, but someone from test really needs to see if I am right here. In some cases I may have been optimistic, others pessimistic versus reality.

      3.22 - code is there. Do we have test coverage?
      3.29 - I vaguely recall discussion of this. Did tests get created?

      2.66 - tbd: what is the behavior and do we test this?
      2.68 - is this done?
      2.103 - do we have tests about alignment of individual instances of an array vs. the whole array?
      2.116 - do we check this for defineVariable even?
      2.117 - do we have test coverage of this. I recall the design discussions with Taylor, but not sure if this is tested.
      2.120 - feels to me like we might have partial coverage of this.
      2.121 - done? tested?
      2.127 - done? tested?
      2.129 - do we check for choice with no branches?
      2.134 - done? tested?

      comparing to Eratta at http://redmine.ogf.org/dmsf/dfdl-wg?folder_id=5485




            dfthompson Dave Thompson
            daffodil-aseyler Andrew Seyler
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue

