Test test_nestedGroupRefs2 generates the below warning, but the namespaces are the same which indicates a bug with the check not properly checking differing namespaces.
Schema Definition Warning: Neighboring QNames differ only by namespaces. Infoset representations that do not support namespaces cannot differentiate between these elements and may fail to unparse. QNames are: ex:{}inty, ex:{}inty (id: namespaceDifferencesOnly) Schema context: group[4] Location line 1184 in /org/apache/daffodil/section14/sequence_groups/SequenceGroup.tdml Schema Definition Warning: Neighboring QNames differ only by namespaces. Infoset representations that do not support namespaces cannot differentiate between these elements and may fail to unparse. QNames are: ex:{}stringy, ex:{}stringy (id: namespaceDifferencesOnly) Schema context: group[4] Location line 1184 in /org/apache/daffodil/section14/sequence_groups/SequenceGroup.tdml