For zoned decimal numbers, if the encoding is ascii-based then the proeprty dfdl:textZonedSignStyle is used to determine how the signs are overpunched.
But if the encoding is ebcdic based, then this property is supposed to be ignored.
This appears to not be happening.
In the COBOL1 example (on DFDLSchemas github), a number has this type:
<simpleType name="displayMoney7Digits" dfdl:representation="text" dfdl:textNumberRep="zoned" dfdl:encoding="ebcdic-cp-us" dfdl:decimalSigned="yes" dfdl:textNumberPattern="+0000000V00" dfdl:length="9"> <restriction base="xs:decimal" > <maxInclusive value="9999999.99"/> <minInclusive value="-9999999.99"/> </restriction> </simpleType>
The data is:
But the R is not accepted as a -9 digit with negative overpunched. This is EBCDIC character D9 which is the D minus indicator overpunched on the zone of the 9 digit.
The error message is:
org.apache.daffodil.tdml.TDMLExceptionImpl: (Implementation: daffodil) ParseError: Parse Error: Unable to parse zoned xs:decimal from text: R99999999. Invalid zoned digit: R
Schema context: TOTAL-CHARGES Location line 84 column 8 in .../Cobol/target/classes/cobol1.dfdl.xsd
Data location was preceding byte 90